

A companion book to the more traditional Mirror of Light, Dr Nida Chenagtsang offers simple and practical meditations on Ati Yoga to guide the reader to the experience of one's luminous and vast mind. Featuring Dr Nida's pithy and poetic practice guide entitled 'Weapon of Light' and supplemented with several oral teachings he gave in the United States in December 2016 after the publishing of Mirror of Light, this book is an indispensable handbook for both beginning and advanced meditators of any lineage.

Traditionally Ati Yoga teachings are given orally by the teacher and then contemplated again and again by the student. In order to enhance this capacity of contemplation and self-reflection, Weapon of Light will be accompanied by an audio file of the chanting of Dr Nida’s Tibetan verses by Drukmo Gyal Dakini, music by Tamding Arts, and an English reading of the text.

Translation of Dr Nida's root Tibetan verses by Ben Joffe.

Paperback, 4X6 inches, full color interior, 124 pages


Weapon of Light Audio Book

click here to Purchase the full album from Band Camp


free digital download of reading of Weapon of Light (ENglish verses only, no music): 

If you try to get rid of thoughts, they will just increase.
Instead, look at their essence, at their true face, without throwing away your meditation in the process.
At times thoughts vanish and at times they proliferate,
If you meditate continually, they will gradually be pacified.

Even if you don’t let thoughts go, they go anyway.
Even if you don’t hold onto them, they cling to you anyway.
Even if you don’t incite them, they move around and are agitated anyway.
Whatever they do, look directly at their essence and just leave them as they are.”
— Nida Chenagtsang
“A distillation of my life’s meditation instruction.”
— Dr. Nida Chenagtsang